Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Recovery: Part One

The hospital stay of my recovery has been nice, I must say. The first day post-section I was on narcotics with a button that would give me a dose on demand, complete with a computer to keep me from overdosing. How lovely. The nurses who would come to check on me always remarked how little I'd been pressing my button, even though I felt like I was using it before doing anything, ha ha. Once the epidural came out, and they downgraded my pain medication, things got harder, as I knew they would.

First, let's take inventory of my body after the C-section. My back is completely bruised up from the failed epidural attempts, from my hips down are swollen nearly beyond recognition, and I have an incision from major abdominal surgery across my lower stomach (just under the fat fold, as one doctor so kindly reminded me).

I hobble more than I walk, which each day is a little more. The swelling is slowly getting better, although I can't stand straight yet which I think is just from the bruising around my spine. My back aches so terribly when I stand for a while. However, I am walking and staying active, which I think will help. The swelling and stiffness has gone down enough that I can wipe my own ass, a setback that made the first two days post-surgery awkward and only affirmed how much Matt really loves me.

By the time Jennifer gets here next week I should be able to move around without much problems. My medical restrictions: No lifting anything over 10 lbs (good thing my baby is half that) and no driving for 3 weeks.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight, but we'll see if I'll be able to get out of it in the morning, ha ha. A lot of pain, a lot of fear over an infection in my incision site... but was she worth it?
Oh lord, yes she was.

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