Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1 month checkup

Well, she's more like a month and a week old, but we had the 1 month checkup today! :) Lorelai now weighs 7 lbs and 8 ounces, which means she's gained almost two lbs in the last two and a half weeks! Holy moly! Although I had noticed a couple of days ago that she'd been fitting her newborn clothes much better, and one of her preemie outfits doesn't fit anymore.

So now she's not quite so little anymore. Both my best friend and my husband had the same reaction to her weight - "She's a real baby now!" and I guess she is. 7.5 lbs is a pretty average weight for newborns, so it's like she's finally in that league. There are a couple of other exciting things too, she's starting to track things with her eyes a little bit more, like faces and the toy that hangs off the handle of her carseat. She's smiling more, and not just when she's in the middle of farting!

She's also 19 1/2 inches, and the weird welts on the back of her neck are indeed just birthmarks. All of my holding her is paying off because there aren't any flat spots on her head, which the pediatrician was pleased to see, and she handled her Hepatitis B vaccination like a champ.

Last night she spent most of the night in the crib. Once I decided it was bedtime, I swaddled her and rocked her to sleep, laid her down. After about twenty minutes she managed to wiggle out of the swaddle and woke herself up. I re-swaddled, warmed up a little bit of breastmilk and snuggled her while she sipped on it to soothe herself and slowly fell asleep again while we rocked and I sang to her. I laid her down again and what do you know - she slept for close to 2 hours in the crib!

I of course didn't get that much sleep because I am a neurotic mess and had to check on her every few minutes because I felt like she was sleeping too quietly. She might have slept longer if it hadn't been for me poking her in the nose a few times when I tried to feel if she was breathing.

GAWD MOM, pull it together. Tonight we're determined to have her sleep in the crib the full night through, because well... she's not going to be small enough to sleep in my lap forever.

P.S. Chubby baby snores are ADORABLE.

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