Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Useless with worry, ha.

I can't think or function. Ha ha. I have my NT ultrasound in two days and I feel like that's all I can focus on. I guess because we weren't able to see the baby's heartbeat and it's been a month since my first ultrasound, I've been really worried. I get this awful foreboding feeling that there is something wrong and I lost the baby, but I'm trying to stay positive. There have been a few posts in the last couple of weeks on The Bump from ladies who went in for their ultrasound and found they had miscarried weeks back but showed no symptoms. I just really don't want that to happen. After how long I've wanted to be a mother and how excited I've been, and all this damn struggling. Ha ha. I don't know what I'll do if we get bad news on Friday but it's all I can think about.

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