Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Final Countdown

Tomorrow I'm 29 weeks along, and with a semi-planned induction of "around 39 weeks", we have ten weeks left until we finally get to welcome Lorelai to this side of the Stargate womb. Today's prenatal visit went well, and even though I talked over my latest glucose numbers with my doctor and expressed my frustration at the numbers being higher than they had been in my previous two trimesters even with my vigilant changes to insulin, she's still happy with them. She pointed out that it was safer for me (and therefore baby) to run a little bit "sweet" instead of subjecting myself a lot of lows all the time. And I agree, I am not a fan of lows. It's just disheartening when my numbers had been doing so fantastically and now I have to actually work to keep them where I'd like.

It also turns out that the labs I had done from the health department back in August never got properly entered into the computer system when they transferred them to MCV, so I got to give away a lot of blood today to have them re-done. It sounded like the midwives were mostly worried about my blood type, and happily I already know that so I was able to tell them I'm B+ which means I don't need a Rhogam shot. Huzzah. The phlebotomist who got my blood today was really good too. I didn't even need a bandaid when she was done. Also, my A1c scores now should be MUCH better than what they were in August, when I only been in control of my blood sugar for about a month. I'd rather the better scores be on record in my files for when I transfer to a family doctor after pregnancy. I might be slightly vain about my medical numbers. Is that odd?

The MFM mentioned today that starting at around 32 weeks, I would be coming in weekly for a stress test on the baby and when I thought "holy cow, that's only 3 weeks away!" it really hit me how close we are to the home stretch. It's easy to think of ten weeks as two and a half months and still a long time, but I guess cutting it down into thinking that we are right about to be at the part when I really start being monitored makes it seem so much closer. I'm excited for things to get started. I'm excited to see my best friend and my sister again, and most of all I'm excited to have my daughter here.

6 days until we move, so I'm going to be working on packing up what little we have around the room over the next few days so I can enjoy the last weekend of my winter break by being a really lazy potato person. What I think I might be looking forward to most is the fact that in 6 days my husband and I will have our queen sized bed back, and no longer have to share a twin mattress on the floor. HALLELUJAH!

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