Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's surreal to think that I have four more weeks left in my pregnancy. Today I had a non-stress test and a prenatal visit. The NST went well. Lorelai was asleep at first so they used the buzzer to wake her and she didn't like that much. She jumped and kicked and threw a tantrum that her nap had been disturbed, which amused the nurse greatly. My amniotic fluid levels are good, and she's head down again. Let's hope she stays that way this time.

I brought up my glucose problems at the prenatal, and we're going to try to drop the bedtime NPH but up my nighttime 70/30 mix to 30 units from 24. Hopefully I don't go low in the middle of the night, and we'll see what happens. Dr. Ramus came by to talk to me and he said that in two weeks at my next prenatal, we'll do my group B strep test and I do believe that either that day (the 27th) or my next ultrasound on the 1st is when I'll be scheduled for my induction.

Sunday is the baby shower. Huzzah. My mother in law was complaining today that I didn't have enough on my registry. Ha ha. I told her she was allowed to get things that weren't on the registry, especially since we had no idea what we were doing when we were registering.

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