Thursday, February 7, 2013

My apartment smells like a garage

Today I took the last steps on the shelves and sprayed it down with a sealant suitable both for acrylic paint and mod podge, so we should be good. I did two coats, outside on the back porch so that the fumes wouldn't be in the apartment. I brought it in as soon as it felt dry because it looks a bit like it might rain tonight and I didn't want it to get ruined after having worked on it for the last three days. The smell of the chemicals are really strong on it, so I've got the fan going in the nursery to help keep air moving and get rid of the smell before I start loading it up with toys and books. The inside of the legs were going to be papered but I decided not to just yet. I want to pick up a third paper to do them in so that it's matched on both sides and it can wait for some other time. For now, I'm finished.

The Dalek prints were finished and hung. Now all that's left of my original to do list is to obtain the Karen Hallion prints and get them hung with the plaque, and the embroidered quote piece. I've added a couple of projects since then, but they should be relatively simple. First is the bunting with her name, and also curtains to go over her window. I came across fabric in my stash that I thought would be perfect for the curtains but after I washed it, it shrunk to too small for my use. I think a bright chevron print will be better anyway. I also need to find a lampshade for the wall lamp we recycled from Matt's old room. The shade that was on it was a really ugly burlap beige color and burned in some places where it had sat lopsided on a lightbulb and got too hot.

Also, my baby sister let me know that she wants to come visit in March during her spring break and let me know the dates. She should be here just after Lorelai is born, but for a few days at least I'll have both of my sisters and my best friend here with me. :D Perfection.

The nursery isn't complete, and when it is I'll be using a better camera to take pictures of it, but here's a preview of what I have so far.

The corner with the crib. I need to get a white crib skirt to go on it, although blue or sage green would work as well.

The changing table corner. I'm reminded that I need to sew up a changing pad cover.

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